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  • Reservations & Opening hours

    Reservations & Opening hours

    Your brewery restaurant in the heart of Lucerne


    Restaurant (indoor) reservations
    We accept reservations for restaurant tables for up 4 people by phone at this number: +41 41 410 61 11. Reservation for groups of more than 5 guests, we require that you send us an email at info@rathausbrauerei.ch 
    Your reservation request is considered accepted once you have received a reservation confirmation from us in writing or by phone (this will occur within 48 hours). Our TOS apply. 
    We serve warm dishes from 11 a.m. to 10.30 p.m., cold dishes until 11 p.m.. The kitchen closes one hour earlier on Sundays & public holidays.
    Gift vouchers are available directly in the Rathaus Brauerei restaurant.
    Terrace reservations
    «Grüezi!», «Hey!», «Salut!», «Ciao!», – «Is there a table free?» We welcome guests from all over the world. Get cosy with your companions under the roofs of the arcade or right on the banks of the Reuss, both of which are located directly on Lucerne’s most popular promenade. We love to watch the hustle and bustle, and always have room for guests who spontaneous decide to stop for a bite. This is also why we do not accept reservations for outdoor tables.
    Our general terms and conditions (TOS)
    Your reservation request is considered accepted once you have received a reservation confirmation from us in writing or by phone. Please tell us the exact number of people who will be attending no later than one week before the event. If the number of actual attendees is different than this number, you will be charged for the additional catering costs (free of cost up to 48 hours before the event). We will of course issue a bill for groups of 20 people or more. We request that you pay for services consumed in person immediately after the event. Aperitif and table reservation without food we cannot consider.

    Disposal of alcoholic beverages, declaration:
    We are not authorized to sell wine, beer and cider to anyone under 16 years; Cocktails, liquors and long drinks won’t be served to anyone under 18 years. For our dishes, we exclusively use Swiss meat. All prices in Swiss Francs and inclusive 7.7% VAT.


    Restaurant Rathaus Brauerei
    Gambrinus Gastronomie AG
    Unter der Egg 2
    CH-6004 Luzern
    Tel +41 41 410 61 11
    Fax +41 41 410 61 33


    Opening hours

    November to March

    Monday 10.00 – 24.00
    Tuesday 08.00 – 24.00
    Wednesday 10.00 – 24.00
    Thursday 10.00 – 24.00
    Friday 10.00 – 24.00
    Saturday 08.00 – 24.00
    Sunday and public holidays 10.00 – 23.00

    April to October

    Monday 09.00 – 24.00
    Tuesday 08.00 – 24.00
    Wednesday 09.00 – 24.00
    Thursday 09.00 – 24.00
    Friday 09.00 – 24.00
    Saturday 08.00 – 24.00
    Sunday and public holidays 09.00 – 23.00


    Special opening times

    Christmas Eve, 24th December: closed from 6pm
    New Year’s Eve, 31st December: open until 1am
    Carnival: open from early in the morning until late at night
    Ash Wednesday: closed